Revolted synonym. To revolt against the present government. Disregarded ignored overlooked overpassed passed over tuned out. Find descriptive alternatives for revolted.
Synonyms for revolted include disgusted repulsed sickened repelled nauseated shocked sick appalled offended and aghast. What are synonyms for revolted. Near antonyms for revolted.
Synonyms near synonyms for revolted against mutinied against disobliged. 137 revolted synonyms and 24 revolted antonyms in revolted thesaurus. Slang make ones flesh creep nauseate offend repel repulse shock sicken turn off informal turn ones stomach.
Uprising rising revolution riot rebellion mutiny defection insurrection subversion insurgency putsch sedition insurgence. 2 defect mutiny rebel resist rise take to the streets take up arms against 3 disgust give one the creeps informal gross out us. Find descriptive alternatives for revolt.
Top synonyms for revolted other words for revolted are nauseated sickened and disgusted.